post event report

India’s rise as a global hub for value-added food products


The Indusfood 2025 platform with 1st Edition of Indusfood AgriTech & 4th Edition of Indusfood Manufacturing highlighted India’s growing expertise in cutting edge processing machinery, sustainable packaging solutions, and innovative food ingredients, aligning with global demands of quality and efficiency.

Various supportive government policies have been supportive of evolution across the food production value chain in India. This have created a strong ecosystem of modern infrastructure, robust supply chains, and employment generation in the food processing sector, altogether acting as a vital bridge between agriculture and industry. The Minister of State for Commerce and Industry, Mr. Jitin Prasada, in his address said, “As a nation focused primarily on agricultural production, India is rapidly evolving into a global hub for value added food products.”

Mr. Prasada stated that, this platform, Indusfood Manufacturing and Indusfood AgriTech highlights India’s growing expertise in cutting edge processing machinery, sustainable packaging solutions, and innovative food ingredients, aligning with global demands of quality and efficiency. The Minister emphasized the Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision to make India the global basket, wherein every dining table in the world contains at least one Made in India food product. He also highlighted the pivotal role that artificial intelligence and data analytics can play in transforming the Indian food processing and manufacturing industries by revolutionizing supply chains, optimizing logistics, and offering data driven business insights.

Mr. Mohit Singla, Chairman TPCI noted that Agriculture is the highest contributor of India’s GDP and thus plays an important role in the wellbeing of the nation. It is vital to gather and bring all existing and upcoming technology, innovations and partnerships across the world to the industry, and it is with this thought that the farm-to-fork concept was established. In accordance with this, the complete chain of agriculture, manufacturing and finished food has been established by the Indusfood chain of three concurrent yet distinguished events.”

Mr. Vijay Kumar Gauba, Additional Director General, TPCI, stated, “Let us leave with a renewed commitment to advancing the frontiers of food manufacturing and agritech. Together we can create a future that is not only economically advanced, but also sustainable and inclusive.”

Dr. Rakesh Kumar, Chairman IEML, in his address noted that Indusfood Manufacturing 2025 uniqueness lies in its ability to bridge the gap between visionaries, technologists, and other key players. It is a platform where the passion for quality meets the ambition for growth. From cutting edge startups to global giants, this event caters to all who are driving not just innovation but also economic growth.” Dr. Kumar also stated the combined efforts of TPCI and IEML to spread the word about these revolutionary exhibitions, domestically, internally and even on the grassroot level, to bring together key players, buyers and exhibitors from the respective industries, under one roof and pave the way for fostering new partnerships.

Indusfood AgriTech and Indusfood Manufacturing were concurrent shows and all together created the complete value chain from agriculture and processing to finished food Is established.

The Minister of State for Commerce and Industry, Mr. Jitin Prasada, inaugurated the 1st Edition of Indusfood AgriTech and the 4th Edition of Indusfood Manufacturing at Yashobhoomi, Dwarka, New Delhi. Mr. Mohit Singla, Chairman TPCI, Dr. Rakesh Kumar, Chairman IEML, Smt. Monika Gaur, Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Mr. Vijay Kumar Gauba, Additional Director General, TPCI, along with the distinguished guests, industry leaders, and buyers from all over the world were present during the inauguration.

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