IGBC and GRIHA played a vital role in making standards and guidelines for green buildings, whereas BEE played a major role in certification of energy efficiency
Every business segment has a tendency to expand, to change, and to upgrade. So like any other sector, HVAC&R industry has expanded exponentially over the past few decades. Due to the exponential expansion of this sector, many other business segments like building automation, refrigerant market, spare parts etc. also made their own growth map.
Till 2000, the demand was for dehumidified cold air and it was limited to industries, hospitality and high-end residential or commercial properties. In the first decade of 21st century, due to increase in the demand from residential sector and low cost properties, question were raised on energy efficiency was raised, where several products and technologies entered the market. Building automation and VRF/VRV were among them.
When technical upgrade of compressors started getting adopted, reciprocating compressors were replaced by screw compressors due to its low maintenance and better efficiency.
Later on, due to the demand for high energy efficiency of the system, each and every electro mechanical component required to be certified or star labelled for efficiency. IGBC and GRIHA played a vital role in making standards and guidelines for green buildings, whereas BEE played a major role in certification of energy efficiency. Now, the market need has moved from dehumidified cold air to clean and pollution-free air, whether it’s for indoor or outdoor.
We are all now aware of the increasing level of pollutants in the atmosphere and its hazards. This has paved way for the air purifier market, which is expanding like anything. Consequently, within a short span, almost every major brand in the market launched their air purifier range.
And yes, air purification is one of the major business segments and will expand rapidly till 2025. It’s also the right time for OEMs, technical consultants, and young entrepreneurs to bring new technologies and solutions to improve or control the pollution levels, which we experience today.
For our nation and humanity, energy efficient and safe solution for maintaining indoor and outdoor air quality should be introduced. This would create a green footprint towards a clean and heal thier HVAC&R industry.
Authored article by:
Kulwant Singh,
Kleanwave Solutions
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