The iAIR Institute showcases research on indoor air quality at the ACAAI annual scientific meeting

iAIR Institute

The iAIR Institute, a leading institution committed to advancing knowledge in the field of indoor air quality (IAQ), presented a ground-breaking study titled “A Breath of Fresh Information on Air Cleaning Technology,” at the Annual Scientific Meeting 2023 of the ACAAI.

The iAIR Institute, a leading institution committed to advancing knowledge in the field of indoor air quality (IAQ) announced its active participation in the Annual Scientific Meeting 2023 of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI). The Institute’s Principal and CEO, Dr. John McKeon, presented a ground-breaking study titled “A Breath of Fresh Information on Air Cleaning Technology,” which was selected for inclusion in ACAAI’s official press kit for the event.

“Our participation in the ACAAI Annual Scientific Meeting reaffirms our dedication to improving IAQ. We encourage healthcare professionals to consider third-party tested air cleaning devices that are performance validated and, ideally, certified to relevant standards,” said Dr. John McKeon CEO.

The study, authored by Dr. GrAinne CunniffeJennifer WhelanAlannah Byrne, Dr. John Ryan, Dr. Keri Lestage, and Dr. John McKeon, delved into the latest advancements in air cleaning technology, exploring the mechanism of function, performance and safety profile, and emerging research and future potential of the various approaches. The research’s key findings highlight the significant role air cleaners can play in enhancing IAQ, in combination with source control measures and adequate ventilation.

Dr. Cunniffe, the lead author of the study, emphasized the importance of their findings, stating, “This study provides an update on state-of-the-art air cleaning technology to equip doctors to advise their patients effectively. HEPA filters were identified as the most efficient in removing airborne particles, including allergens and fine particulate matter. Furthermore, our research highlighted the remarkable effectiveness of activated carbon filters in eliminating volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and odors, while UV-based technology was found to be a valuable addition to filtered HVAC systems.”

The study’s recognition by ACAAI as part of their press kit underscores its significance in the field of allergology, asthma, and immunology. The iAIR Institute is proud to have its work highlighted at this prestigious event, emphasizing the Institute’s commitment to advancing and disseminating research, improving public policy and promoting the importance of healthier indoor environments for all.

The iAIR Institute’s research garnered significant interest and acclaim at the ACAAI Annual Scientific Meeting 2023. Attendees expressed enthusiasm for the study’s potential to enhance the medical community’s understanding of IAQ and provide valuable guidance for their patients.

Dr. John McKeon, CEO and Principal of the iAIR Institute, commented, “Our participation in the ACAAI Annual Scientific Meeting reaffirms our dedication to improving indoor air quality and supporting the healthcare community in their efforts to provide expert advice to patients. We encourage healthcare professionals to consider third-party tested air cleaning devices that are performance validated and, ideally, certified to relevant standards.”

The field of air cleaning technology is experiencing huge growth and evolving rapidly with research developments. Approaches such as electrostatic precipitation, photocatalytic oxidation and plasma-based air cleaning all demonstrate huge potential and are likely to positively impact IAQ across both residential and shared buildings in the future. The iAIR Institute looks forward to continued collaboration with fellow experts and researchers in the field of indoor air quality and remains dedicated to improving IAQ for the benefit of public health.

For more information https://iair.institute.

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