Belimo, the leading manufacturer of damper actuators, control valves and sensors for HVAC technology, brings the worlds of “energy control” and “certified energy measurement and billing” together. The new range of Belimo Energy Valves™ and Thermal Energy Metres integrates energy metering, energy control, and IoT-enabled billing in one device.
Belimo brings together what belongs together
The Belimo Energy Valve™ and Thermal Energy Metre with Near Field Communication (NFC) interface enable easy configuration and maintenance directly from a smartphone. With the Belimo Assistant App, the devices can be configured intuitively and commissioning values can be logged. Key performance indicators, which make it easy to determine the “health status” of the device, ensure reliable operation. Numerous diagnostic parameters show how the device interacts with the system during operation. If servicing is required, it is possible to draw up a failure analysis quickly.
The Belimo Energy Valve™ and Thermal Energy Metres are ready for remote, IoT-based billing. Authorised users can access the data via a cloud interface. This means it can be easily integrated with other platforms and in turn, gives you maximum flexibility when choosing your service provider. Thanks to the high data quality, the data can also be used for various other applications.
Key features at a glance
In 2021 Belimo launched a totally new generation (4) of EVs for the sizes between DN15 to DN50. Energy Valve 4 now offers an optional certified thermal energy metre, along with a number of other highly innovative features. The metre also contains the logic to drive the attached CCV valve, available both as fail-safe or non-fail-safe options. Certified metres are also available as “standalone” devices, without the valves.
Thermal Energy Metre
Certified energy metering with MID approval
The thermal energy metre meets the requirements of EN1434 and has type approval according to the European Measuring Instruments Directive 2014/32/ EU (MI-004).
Energy cost billing
Thanks to its compliance with EN1434 / MID the metres can be used for billing of energy consumption to tenants. This is a mandatory requirement in many countries.
Digitally supported workflows
The Belimo Assistant App guides you through the setup process.
Power over Ethernet (PoE)
The devices can be connected with one standard PoE/Ethernet cable providing power and data transmission.
Easy integration
Using BACnet/IP & MSTP, Modbus TCP & RTU, the thermal energy metre can be integrated directly in the building management system. No extra communication gateway is required.
IoT-based billing
Thanks to the embedded web-server the thermal energy metre can be securely connected to the Belimo Cloud. From there authorised 3rd party billing services platforms can access the available energy data and use it for tenant billing.
Belimo Energy Valve™ 4
Energy monitoring
The EV accurately measures and logs the thermal energy supplied to the coil. The logged data helps to identify areas for optimization.
Automatic Balancing
Hydronic balancing is no longer needed thanks to the pressure independent flow control of the valve.
Power control
By measuring temperature and volumetric flow the EV controls the real power provided to a coil, according to the setpoint.
Delta T management
The integrated logic prevents the occurrence of the “low delta T” syndrome and ensures maximum comfort with the lowest possible energy consumption.
Glycol measurement and compensation
Belimo’s patented glycol measurement and compensation guarantees precise energy metering at all times. With MID certified heating power measurement, where glycol is not permitted, an alarm is being triggered at the presence of glycol.
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